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🎯ONE Diet = Long Term Results

I used to hit the treadmill after weight sessions. Getting sweaty. Getting VERY bored. And feeling a sense of dread looking at my watch, realising I’ve still got another 20

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You’ve Been Lied To

You’ve been lied to. The fitness industry is running about 20 years behind the research, and runs on a lot of old myths. A few important ones to clean up… ⏩

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Get MORE Done With Less Effort

Have you ever… Self-talked yourself out of continuing a plan, because you’ve missed workouts and feel unsure whether you can commit to doing the work required? And feel as if

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Eat More, Lose More Fat

✅ Start Doing Cardio ✅ Drop Carbohydrates ✅ Eat Salad ✅ Do Keto ✅ Lose some weight. ❌ Keep it up for 3 weeks. ❌ Life takes over. ❌ You

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Why You MUST Warm Up Properly

Do you have annoying niggles and pains which never seem to go away? Do you find yourself injured too often through exercise (or lack of)? Feeling frustrated that no matter

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Real People -> Real Results

Did you know we have over 30 5 ⭐ reviews? Below are just 3 of them: Our Over 30’s Health & Body Transformation Programme includes: ✅121 Outdoor Training, Building Strength,

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