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At 17 years old, 6 ft 1 and 61 kilos I’d had enough. I was fed up of losing arm wrestles to girls. I was fed up being physically the weakest in my year and referred to as ‘skinny’. I was tired of being disrespected by larger guys based on my physique. I was tired of other people pushing me about. I decided to make a change. This is me one month into training *strike a pose*:

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What a hair cut! I started training at home. My workout consisted of push ups, curls and rows with a door stop. I did this every night following no form of training regime. I just lifted what I could, when I could and as many times as I could.

After about a month of religiously training at home, a buddy of mine started using our school gym (a minuscule 40 sqft triangular room) and I joined in. Now, this room was tiny with nothing but a precarious bench press which would literally fold up mid-set squashing you like a sandwich. There was also a pull up bar/dip rack. I trained in here pretty much every day during my morning break time for 9 months. Again, following no particular workout or diet regime (a recurring theme already occurring here…). I just wanted to be bigger, stronger and fitter. It didn’t take long before I was absolutely obsessed with strength training; reading up on new workout tips and rep ranges. At this stage – sure I gained some size and a bit of strength.

I then went to university. I began training with my best friend who was a fitness instructor and became more more savvy with approaches to weight lifting. I introduced body part splits and became more familiar with efficient movements. From here on I only followed volume intensive online workouts with a huge disregard to my nutrition. Like most students – my diet consisted of about 3 ready-meals per day. Through such poor nutrition I managed to bump my resting heart rate to 100bpm…. yikes! I gained a very limited amount of strength and quite a bit of body weight (hardly a surprise with a diet intake of ready meals and alcoholic beverages!)

As a result I made drastic improvements to my diet by eating cleaner, however, the somewhat hectic and disorganised above training regime continued for the subsequent 8 years of weight lifting.Throughout this period I switched from workout to workout, never yielding decent results; 5 x 5 routines, drop sets, super sets, giant sets, rest-pauses, heck – even training twice a day. Honestly I’d tried them all at this point. I was disciplined and loved weight training which kept me training 3 to 4 times per week. I can honestly say I haven’t taken longer than 2 weeks off from the gym in all this time!

After 8 long years of slugging away, switching between various body part splits and routines my strength levels were, to say the least, sub-par.

Below is a picture of me from a holiday in summer 2015. For 8 years of absolute dedication to my craft…. this is somewhat underwhelming huh?

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Stats: 6 ft 2, 87 kilos at 18% body fat (possibly even higher)….. I gained weight alright.

I’ll be honest – this was a pretty dark time in my life.

I’d pretty much given up hope on being truly lean, fit and strong. 

I’d also started giving up hope on myself and felt like a failure. My life situation all in all wasn’t working for me. At the time I worked a sales job slugging out 70 hour work weeks within a working environment which, to say the least, was extremely stressful. I was chronically stressed, over trained and highly anxious all the time. I felt pretty lost too. I knew serious changes had to be made but i simply didn’t know where to go or which direction to head. I was acting my way through life – letting others define me and my ‘success’.

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I dug deep and made a change.

I left my job and decided to make serious investment of time and money into research and mentor ship.

I can honestly say this was the best time and money I’ve ever spent! With my newly found knowledge of proper nutrition and programming I made serious alterations to my training. Safe to say it worked – I finally started to see consistent results!

In just 5 months  –  I’d lost 35 lbs of Fat and made huge improvements to my strength. You know the best part of all this? It was an absolute breeze and incredibly sustainable. Above on the right is how I looked:

Stats: 6 ft 2, 71 kilos, 8% body fat

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Throughout this process my passion for fitness went through the roof. After 8 long years I’d finally learned the correct principles behind building a lean, strong and fit body.

I’ve now set life, physique and strength goals far out of the realms I ever deemed possible for myself – but this is how we move forwards. Through trial and constant error we begin to find traction with systems which work. With dedication and consistency it’s only a matter of time before we find traction to give us the confidence to set goals which are out of our perceived reach and gun them down.

Let me ask you this.

If you found a strategy which with consistency and dedication will guarantee progress towards your goal, would you bounce out of bed every morning ready to do the work? Of course!

It’s just finding that system which when replicated and applied will generate results.

I’m proud to say that through the past  8 years of trial, error and making every mistake in the book – I’ve designed programmes which provide the knowledge and application to:

My aim is to obliterate misleading content and provide real, grounded and applicable advice. I want to help people move through their obstacles with fitness and begin to gain traction once again. I understand how important having a strong, fit physique is when it comes down to how you feel about yourself. Our behaviour is adversely affected if we don’t feel strong or fit in some shape or form. Real, grounded strength is gracefully carried into all other aspects of life helping us become the very best that we can. It all starts here… with the body.

If you’re interested in learning more about the programmes, please get in touch through form below to see where bodyright can help you achieve your fitness goals.


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