Fat loss supplements – Are they useful?


If you’re ever feeling down – I invite you to google ‘fat loss supplements’ and have a look at some of the supplements on the market.

‘Declare war on fat with Thermodenator Fat Loss Grenade’.

Please, give me strength – it’s laughable.

That’s the supplement industry for you….

Anyway… I’m writing this mainly because today I strolled past the local fitness supplement shop and noticed the shop clerk advising someone on supplements he should or should not be taking. I couldn’t help but walk in purely to eavesdrop on the conversation.

Safe to say I was mortified at what I heard. This poor soul, practically juggling supplement tubs in each hand was being advised which ones he should and needs be taking. Pre, intra and post workout shakes – the lot.

I get it…

The shop is there to sell supplements, so the clerk is doing his job. This, however, is the very nonsense that I strive to help people avoid.

Let me explain…

The supplement industry, generally, takes complete advantage of desperation, frustration and lack of knowledge people have towards correct nutrition. I know – I’ve been there.

I’ve spent hundreds of pounds on supplements over the past 8 years of training in a futile attempt to achieve my goals. What did they all have in common? Empty promises and zero results.

Utter frustration, conflicting information, conflicting diet plans, conflicting workouts all baffle us and leave us completely confused on our fitness journey. We look for the magic potion. Boom, there it is the latest product claiming to get you ‘ripped’ or ‘jacked’ fast, usually using muscle-bound, shredded to the bone professional bodybuilders as the selling point.

Point number 1 – These bodybuilders are damn near radioactive. They consume a cocktail of performance enhancing drugs. Do not be fooled – I can say with some certainty they have not got to their level of physical condition through taking the supplement they advertise. 

Point number 2 (and most worryingly) the supplement industry is completely unregulated. By this I mean any average joe can create a dietary supplement and sell it without it having to pass any food tests (unlike conventional food products).  Yes, the company releasing the product is responsible for their product after release– but they depend on the placebo effect to keep on selling. That is purely the belief and conviction it’s doing something when, well… it isn’t.

Are supplements needed for fat loss? I can absolutely, categorically tell you they’re not. I would never advise to waste a dime on any supplement claiming to help you lose fat.

Shedding fat requires knowing your food numbers and planning meals appropriately around your schedule. A consistent calorie deficit burns fat not pills.

And as for muscle gain? Unless you’re competing in a power lifting meet looking to be the strongest man in the world and need to inhale about 7000 calories a day…. No, they’re not needed. For most men eating between 3-4000 calories per day will cut it for gaining some lean mass and this in my opinion and experience (from actually doing it myself right this second) can easily be obtained through three to four manageable meals per day.

Having said this – are all supplements completely worthless? No. Protein supplements if bought from a reputable supplier supply what they say on the tin. Can these ones help us reach our goals? Yes, but only when applied with a sound workout and nutritional program as an assistance to hit the food numbers required for body composition goals.

This is the catch…
If a sound workout and nutritional program is actually ‘sound’ – you will be easily obtaining your daily food needs through proper food…. so this negates the need for using supplements and you can save a lot of money.

Bottom line is this – to reach fitness goals we usually need to either change or create completely new habits which are sustainable. Our fitness goals are achieved through increasing knowledge and awareness of food intake and applying sustainable food plans. If you can’t cook, won’t cook. Then supplements (from reputable companies) in the short term (when applied properly) will help you towards your goal. Is spending up to and even over £100.00 per month on supplements sustainable for the long haul? Well… you tell me.

I’m here to help on your fitness journey – any questions about supplements / experiences you might have had – drop me a line on here or through my Facebook page! (Link here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Bodyrightfit/posts/?ref=page_internal)

Stay strong,


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