This is the KILLER of long term success 🔪

It’s easy to complete hard tasks when we feel like it.

Truth is, it’s how we act when we DON’T feel like it which makes the difference long term ⏬

Remember Your ‘Why’.

This is a very powerful motivator, and easy to forget once we get started.

Revisit why you want this.

To feel more body confident?

Feel comfortable in your clothes?

To be a good role model for your family?

Have A Plan. 🎯

We must know what we’re aiming for, and we must know what results to expect from our actions.

No more winging it 😕

Exercise needs to be geared for the best results.

Eating habits also be geared for the best results.

And we need to be getting those results!

Never leave it to chance.

Make sure you have a plan which works around your busy schedule.

Be Accountable.

Tell your family about your goals.

Get your partner fighting in your corner, helping you.

It makes all the difference.

We all need help, ask for it!

Trust The Process.

Trust that your hard work and discipline will pay off.

The right process will have you getting noticeable results week by week.


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