Today I want to share with you why we focus on food first, and training second in our Over 30’s programme.

If you haven’t already applied to our Over 30’s Programme, you can do so here:

Food counts for a much as 80 % of your overall results.

✅ We Teach you about food

✅ Provide example meal plans and recipes

✅ How to set it on auto pilot so you never have to worry about your next meal. 

Exercise counts for 20%.

✅ We teach you how to workout effectively with less time

 ✅ And build tone, strength and mobility which fixes joint pain.

Laura didn’t know any of this information to begin with.

She was stuck, uncomfortable with her weight and suffering with chronic knee and hip pain. 

Particularly difficult being on your feet all day, working in retail. 

She needed help and direction.

She followed our winning formula.

Sorted out her nutrition.

She read the meal plans.

She took control of her food intake, trained in the right way 3 x per week.

As a result, in 90 days she dropped 3 dress sizes and could move pain free in her hip and knee.  

Food is KEY to sustainable weight loss..

And training needs to be targeted to the right areas to improve body tone, build strength, correct imbalances and reduce any joint pain. 

Andrew 🙂

P.S Ready to apply to our Over 30’s Programme? Apply here:

PPS Want to arrange a time to chat to one of our team? Book your 30 minute free strategy call here:

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