Hard Work = Big Results 🏆

Us humans -> a bunch of nutters… I think you’ll agree with me when I say: ▶ Taking action when emotional is the worst thing any human can do. which… ▶ Guarantees not getting the result we actually want from the situation. Knowing this… Why do people keep looking for training to be ‘fun and […]

Client Success 🔥

Our client John had surgery on his knee two years ago. This made his profession as a skateboarding / ski instructor really difficult. Suffering from constant pain and swelling, he reached out for help. Previous rehabilation programmes just didn’t work.  After our first consultation, it was clear what was needed. We set goals 🎯 And […]

2 Steps To Control Your Eating🥑

Wake up at 6am. Get kids out of bed, get them to school. Straight to work by 9am. Meetings all day, cancellations, last minute workloads. Feeling hungry and stressed over where and what to eat. May or may not find time to nip out to grab something quick to eat at the desk for lunch. […]

The Dangers Of Weight Loss 😱

During one of my online check ins, my client asked me… ‘Andrew, I want to feel smaller and would like to drop more weight, what sort of body weight do I need to be, I really do not want to go over ‘x’ kilograms’ My answer to this question is always the same. Focusing on […]

3 Keys To Make Better Food Choices 🥑

Do you struggle to eat healthily after slipping up and eating bad food? 🥐 My client mentioned the internal battle to stay on plan after slipping up and eating ‘bad’ food. Thoughts like…  ‘’What’s the point’’ ‘’F*** it, might as well forget the nutrition plan today then’’ Would always creep into his head. And lead […]

One Simple Step To Stay Healthy 👆

Do you struggle to find the time to prioritise your health? Feel like it’s getting worse? Getting in control of your health is a challenge, especially when you have: ▶ Kids 🧒 ▶ A Hectic Work Life 🛄 ▶ A Busy Social Life 👠 It feels like there’s no more time in the day. And […]

The Truth… 😩

One of the largest mistakes people make is thinking more training will offset a poor diet. We ALL know… It doesn’t work. Yet people continue to stay stuck. 👉 Stuck, dropping in and out of hard routines. 👉 Stuck in the cycle of eating and drinking too much, followed by eating salads. 👉 Stuck, going […]

Live Longer, Healthier & Pain Free ⭐

During our consultations, we always ask.. What is the best result you could achieve for yourself 12 months from now? 👉 Wanting to live healthier, feel younger and move pain free 👉 Wanting to live longer, move better and boost energy Are the most common answers we get. Usually…. Our clients have tried many times […]

STOP ”Sweating It Out” 😅

One of the largest mistakes people make is thinking more training will offset a poor diet. We ALL know… It doesn’t work. Yet people continue to stay stuck. 👉 Stuck, dropping in and out of hard routines. 👉 Stuck in the cycle of eating and drinking too much, followed by eating salads. 👉 Stuck, going […]